Teaser audio walkThe audio walk wastescapes is a joint project with Times of Waste. It looks at processes of cleaning and disposal in the trinational area of Basel/Switzerland, bordering Germany and France. Travel routes are observed for organic or inorganic matter.
The research focuses on local phenomena which are examplary of regional or global entanglements, like the Port area and its recycling services, import/export (CH), BASF lindane cleansing (F), mobile repair shops/re-use (G), invasive animals (common gudgeon) or a temporary use area after deconstruction of oil tanks (CH).
The GPS-based audiowalk is played on smartphones. Using this technology as data carrier, themes such as raw material, waste and recycling are directly thematized. The wide ranging and varied pace of exploration offers a diversity of reception modalities. At best, visitors experience a kind of transformation through participation, merging the role of visitor and (empowered) actant.
wastescapes emerged from the research and exhibition project RhyCycling which focused on interactions and dependencies of the ‘human’ and ‘non human’ environment. www.rhycycling.ixdm.ch
wastescapes will be conducted at 11am and 2pm on the following dates:
- May 5 and 6, 2017
- May 12 and 13, 2017
June 10, 2017 at 11 am and 2 pm – Umwelttage Basel, no registration; information/meeting point at Uferstrasse 90/Klybeckquai, Basel: http://www.umwelttage-basel.ch
Find the application form here.
Concept and realisation
Research team Times of Waste: Flavia Caviezel, Mirjam Bürgin, Anselm Caminada, Adrian Demleitner, Marion Mertens, Yvonne Volkart, Andreas Simon
With the voices of
Inga Eickemeier, Elias Eilinghoff, Cathrin Störmer (German version)
Thomas Douglas, Joy Frempong, Rebecca Travis (English version)
Translation: Fiona Elliott
Studio recording
Justin Robinson
The audio walk is supported by
Amt für Umwelt und Energie BS, Tiefbauamt BS, IBA Basel 2020, IG Rheinbogen/Solarfähre
Thanks to
Benedikt Achermann, Richard Albertin & Kaspar Ludwig (test walkers), Nuria Barcelo (registration), Samuel Hanselmann (photo documentation), Jörg Köppl, Martin Lüchinger, Tabea Lurk, Rainer Schmidt, Holzpark Klybeck/Katja Reichenstein, IG Rheinbogen/Jost Hummel, Marco Termignone & Alfredo Schmassmann, Uferbox+/Hansruedi Bitterlin & Meret Pardey.
Bibliography (selection)
Amt für Umwelt und Energie BS: Merkblatt Invasive Grundeln.
Basler & Hofmann: Ehemaliges Migrol-Tanklager Basel-Klybeck – Schlussbereicht Altlasten / Abfall, Zurich 2012.
Jane Bennett / Klaus Loenhart: Vibrant Matter – Zero Landscape, in: Zero Landscape. Gam07, Graz 2011.
Gilles Deleuze / Félix Guattari: Anti-Ödipus. Kapitalismus und Schizophrenie. Frankfurt am Main 1977.
Ulrike Guérot / Robert Menasse: Lust auf eine gemeinsame Welt. Ein futuristischer Entwurf für europäische Grenzenlosigkeit, in: Le monde diplomatique, 10.2.2016.
Elias Kopf: Exoten verdrängen die Dorflinde. Schweizer Gemeinde 3/2010, p 25-28.
Landesanstalt für Umweltschutz, Baden-Württemberg: Einfluss überwinternder Wasservögel auf Chara-Arten und Dreissena polymorpha am westlichen Bodensee, 2004, p 73.
Timothy Morton: Zero Landscapes in the Times of Hyperobjects, in: Zero Landscape. Gam07, Graz 2011.
Andreas Schwald: Zwischennutzung am Basler Hafen – Chronologie eines politischen Scheiterns, in: Tageswoche, Basel 8.4.15.
Ders.: Guy Morin: «Alle haben Fehler gemacht, aber wir lernen dazu», in: Tageswoche, Basel 21.4.15.
Websites temporary use initiatives Klybeckquai, among others
http://i-land.ch – I-Land association
http://holzpark-klybeck.ch – ShiftMode association
http://www.klybeckinsel.ch – Klybeck resident group